Children's Books
We here at HCS Publishing are very excited to be adding this genre to our arsenal of awesome with our first Children's author D.M. Patterson. "Midnight Forest" is the first of many for this division. As with most blazing pathfinders, they become the torch bearer and therefore we are extremely proud to announce that she is heading up this Division as the Director.
Her first book (of many, many, many to come), will take you on a visual journey as you meet a raccoon searching for food, a fox chasing bats, dragons waking for adventure, and more! This book is designed with the visually impaired in mind, and for all to enjoy.

The love that a mother has for her child is limitless, beautiful, and incomparable to anything else in this world. "The Daughter Song" is meant to be read with your own perfect girl in mind. Tell her you love her, even if she already knows. Allow this to be a reminder to appreciate the little things that turn out to be big things. Listen to her. She might just sound like music.

Meet Ruby, a child living with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome. Ruby narrates her typical day, highlighting some of the ways CDLS makes her life different, and the many similarities her life has to any other child's.

Chelsea gets super crabby when she finds trash all over her favorite beach. Follow her and her friends Heather and Oscar as they clean up Willow Branch Beach.

Humble and Grumble is a story about two brother bees and how your outlook on life ultimately determines how happy or sad you will BEE. You can go through life grumbly or you can humble yourself to BEE the change you want to see in the world, BEE a good friend, BEE happy regardless of your circumstances, and BEE the very best "you".

Meet a raccoon searching for food, a fox chasing bats, dragons waking for adventure, and more! This book is designed with the visually impaired in mind, and for all to enjoy.