Our Fantasy titles are as diverse as they are entertaining. From teen heroes in a post apocalyptic world to ancient lines of swordsmen determining the fate of humanity's next 100 years, you won't want to miss any of these titles.

by CR Saxon

ISBN-13-978-0615410944​ Book 1 of the Novus Proprius Chronicles After an environmental disaster, the world is no longer what it seems. Humans no longer top the food chain. Now they must watch out for beasts that rule the skies and roam the Earth. Not only have the world's inhabitants changed but so has it's shape. On top of it all, an unknown force is threatening to destroy the Earth completely. The fate of the world rests in the hands of one simple teenage werewolf....but is she ready?

ISBN-13: 978-1450773638 Book 2 of the Novus Proprius Chronicles ​ "You'd be surprised how little magic there is in this world." As if life wasn't hard enough for Zaina, the government has now created a new mutant: Felines. Incredibly strong and much larger than the werewolves, they pose a serious threat. As Zaina wonders if she can trust her new Feline friend Daisy, she must also face her worst enemy. Problem is, who is it?

Book 3 of the Novus Proprius Chronicles. Due fall of 2019!

ISBN-13: 978-1493510726 When six rebels – William and Richard Cooper; Lady Claire and Sir Thomas Scott; and Matthew Hatter and Anne Tybbot – set out to assassinate the Royal Governor and take control over the colony, their carefully laid plan disintegrates rapidly into a struggle for survival. But who can you trust when everyone has their secrets to keep and their agendas to run? This first novel by author Nicole Ordway is a thrilling story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.